
The realm of Entros (eNt-Ros) is a realm on Endrala. Covering most of the western half of Fearan, Entros is comprised of 7 independent kingdoms: Adris, Endril, Nordros, Telenias, the Isle of Dios, Vanendros and Wesril and a single republic: Lentura all united under the overarching rule of a single high king. Entros is bordered by the Great Mountains to the east, the Emerald Sea to the south west, Diosian Ocean to the north west, the Frigid Sea to the north and the Bay of Fire to the south.

With an area of approximately 30,000,000 km2, Entros is the largest country on Endrala by both land area and population. As one of only two superpowers to emerge on Endrala, the other having fallen before most of the kingdoms that form Entros even existed, Entros’ population dwarfs any other nation on the world. Interestingly, due to Entros’ unusual internal political structure, the second most populous country is that of the Kingdom of Entros whos own population is also counted towards Entros’. As a result of this discrepancy, some scholars have argued that Entros’ population should only count those who exist within the realm without belonging to any single kingdom. Under this definition, despite its size, Entros has one of the smallest populations on Endrala.

It is unclear who first inhabited the land that forms Entros. It is held that Humans first arrived some, 2000-4000 years ago from across the Emerald Sea. These early humans established a number of outposts used to trade with other races native to Fearan which are believed to have given rise to the early kingdoms that formed along Entros’ west coast. Dwarven ruins found across Adris and the wilderness to the north of Adris suggest that the dwarven empire likely reached its peak sometime just before humans arrived. Likely, early humans found a dwarven empire in the early state of decay that would eventually lead to its collapse and the near extinction of the dwarven race. A number of minor races are beliaved to be native to the area Covered by Entros. These include centaur’s, who are believed to originate in the northern planes, Aarakocra who have been been recorded as liking in mountain communities in dwarven records from before humans arrived and gnomes who are thought to have originated from the southern parts of the Great mountains. Over the centuries, Entros has come to be home to people of all races.

Entros was formed when the first high king, High King Veygar Telos, usurped the throne of Endril from his older brother during the Wesdrilian rebellion. After crushing the rebellion, he realized the benifits of splitting his kingdom into two and ruling over both lesser kingdoms as a high king. Before he was able to complete his reforms, both Valendros and Lentura would declare war seeing the recent instability ad an opportunity to claim new lands. With the help of military aid from Adris, High King Veygar would defeat and conquer both nations adding them to the newly formed realm.


Maecenas ut ante in dui sagittis pellentesque pellentesque quis nibh. Nulla quis ante tortor. Proin vitae lectus vitae erat tincidunt posuere nec in lectus. Nunc finibus justo ut urna finibus consequat. In tellus ligula, bibendum id nunc a, mollis ultrices dui. Phasellus eget ante tincidunt, tempus purus ac, lacinia libero. Phasellus eros sem, tempor vulputate mollis vitae, aliquet ut orci. Phasellus iaculis sollicitudin tortor. Nunc et ligula vel turpis efficitur congue. Praesent ac mauris justo. Mauris maximus rutrum odio vitae viverra. Aenean eget augue nisl. Proin nec urna ultricies elit molestie consectetur eget eu metus.

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Sed consequat gravida dolor at eleifend. Aliquam et eleifend metus. Fusce interdum dolor tincidunt, ullamcorper diam non, convallis eros. Morbi luctus elit neque, et gravida tortor dignissim vitae. Donec ut lacinia nunc. Suspendisse bibendum tellus neque, sed luctus dui dapibus sed. Nam aliquam dictum diam vel dignissim.

Mauris viverra ante venenatis ornare condimentum. Cras interdum iaculis gravida. Cras dolor nunc, vulputate quis ligula ut, placerat tristique eros. Sed aliquet, leo quis vestibulum suscipit, purus dolor dapibus nulla, nec molestie mi nisi non purus. Mauris odio metus, sagittis et lectus non, aliquet bibendum leo. Proin porttitor sodales tortor a euismod. Suspendisse sit amet hendrerit dolor. Suspendisse vestibulum molestie nibh, sit amet porta purus vehicula ut. Ut aliquet risus vitae ligula vehicula, non consequat ligula mattis. Quisque eget mauris nec sapien lacinia maximus sit amet quis odio. In ultricies dui eget nunc congue finibus. Duis turpis diam, condimentum sed risus et, vehicula tincidunt dolor. Donec vel lobortis est. Ut convallis quis enim cursus tempor.


Vestibulum mauris orci, varius eu varius vel, ultrices nec dui. Vivamus ullamcorper, tellus sollicitudin pellentesque finibus, ante nunc fermentum sapien, suscipit mollis magna elit at quam. Aliquam mattis congue ornare. Etiam varius pretium magna id sollicitudin. Cras vulputate posuere orci nec interdum. Cras dapibus hendrerit turpis, sed laoreet urna lobortis nec. Morbi libero arcu, finibus pulvinar libero lobortis, facilisis gravida augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut nulla neque, hendrerit non vulputate non, egestas eu urna. Donec ullamcorper porttitor felis, vitae faucibus elit mattis nec. Maecenas sit amet nisi non lectus efficitur posuere. Ut lobortis vel neque non interdum. Duis finibus orci in tellus eleifend venenatis. Vivamus quis mauris quam.

Proin at erat hendrerit, vulputate felis vel, viverra erat. Nulla eu justo sit amet orci faucibus aliquet ac eget est. Suspendisse elementum ornare tincidunt. Sed aliquam mi justo, at aliquet nisi dignissim ac. Quisque non metus sed libero semper aliquam. Pellentesque sit amet nibh libero. Integer quis euismod nisl, sed aliquam nunc. Pellentesque id augue vehicula, mollis dolor a, viverra dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur tellus leo, dapibus nec tristique vel, faucibus id neque. Quisque accumsan, nisl et consequat cursus, velit libero facilisis mauris, sit amet dapibus velit risus vitae augue. Nunc ornare nisl mauris, sed malesuada sem ultrices at. Donec suscipit diam sed risus pellentesque vehicula. Maecenas elementum sed diam eu commodo. Aenean dolor lorem, congue tincidunt mauris sed, rhoncus imperdiet leo. Aliquam porttitor ante et ullamcorper porttitor.


Sed vitae finibus arcu, vitae bibendum ligula. Quisque sodales velit vel fringilla ultricies. Ut vulputate felis odio, dapibus sagittis justo tempor nec. Mauris sollicitudin blandit nunc vel cursus. Donec ut blandit nibh. Nullam aliquet viverra egestas. Integer dui lectus, tristique et eros quis, pharetra vestibulum magna. Quisque eu maximus neque.

Integer sit amet scelerisque dolor, in placerat libero. Quisque consequat urna a erat tempor pharetra. Suspendisse dapibus condimentum rutrum. Donec vehicula urna quis massa tincidunt sodales. Cras consectetur tortor eu arcu commodo porttitor. Aenean interdum vulputate finibus. Aenean a mi vehicula arcu tempor porttitor. Nulla pretium imperdiet sem, a convallis felis maximus in. Praesent a lectus eros.


Sed vitae finibus arcu, vitae bibendum ligula. Quisque sodales velit vel fringilla ultricies. Ut vulputate felis odio, dapibus sagittis justo tempor nec. Mauris sollicitudin blandit nunc vel cursus. Donec ut blandit nibh. Nullam aliquet viverra egestas. Integer dui lectus, tristique et eros quis, pharetra vestibulum magna. Quisque eu maximus neque.


Sed vitae finibus arcu, vitae bibendum ligula. Quisque sodales velit vel fringilla ultricies. Ut vulputate felis odio, dapibus sagittis justo tempor nec. Mauris sollicitudin blandit nunc vel cursus. Donec ut blandit nibh. Nullam aliquet viverra egestas. Integer dui lectus, tristique et eros quis, pharetra vestibulum magna. Quisque eu maximus neque.


Sed vitae finibus arcu, vitae bibendum ligula. Quisque sodales velit vel fringilla ultricies. Ut vulputate felis odio, dapibus sagittis justo tempor nec. Mauris sollicitudin blandit nunc vel cursus. Donec ut blandit nibh. Nullam aliquet viverra egestas. Integer dui lectus, tristique et eros quis, pharetra vestibulum magna. Quisque eu maximus neque.